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July 24, 2005

How can I reach infinity
life, poetry

How can I reach infinity
when the sands of time limit me?
I know where I must go,
yet I find it hard to row against the flow.
Pastel shades light the sky;
they form a colorful path leading high.
And yet still I find that my mind denies;
it refuses me the power to fly above the body's lies.

Posted by Trevor Savage at July 24, 2005 8:29 PM


Yay poetry! I love poems! Lookee a reference to rowing that distracted me... lol. Cool poem, very deep and thoughtful. Check out allpoetry.com, it is very good for posting poetry to, and it's free, and other people can comment on your stuff, etc.

Posted by: Rachel at July 26, 2005 8:17 PM

Argh it just erased my comment how rude of it! So anyway, this is a good poem with rather deep and thought-provoking ideas. Check out allpoetry.com if you want a good place to post poetry.

Posted by: Rachel at July 26, 2005 8:18 PM

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