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September 23, 2005

As night's silky sheet falls upon the land
life, poetry

As night's silky sheet falls upon the land
waves of sound echo through the world.
Friends' songs of happiness flow from hand to hand
and musical strains of pure emotion are hurled.

All that is good is let loose to roam
as all the evil is driven back home.
The heart is free from ache;
all drink in the musical sake.

Naught is left but happiness.

Posted by Trevor Savage at September 23, 2005 9:47 PM


omg trev-dog! that is so good! i just randomly went meandering around peoples sites out of boredom and stumbled upon this link in your lookup, which i should have had the patience to look at way before now! i must read more! more more more! you know, you should make a book and make money off these. i would buy it!

Posted by: SMITH at September 29, 2005 10:01 PM

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