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May 2, 2005
The Power of Poetry: Poetic Lifeblog I
life, poetry
I was feeling a bit burdened by various school based responsibilities today, but after writing out these few verses I felt rather normal again, my emotions having been let out. Poetry rocks, and I think I'll start featuring it on this blog more often. The —— separates the two poems. On a side note, shampoo foam is quite possibly the coolest thing on earth.
too much goodness
sucking up the time
too much to do
and not a spot of time
mandatory meetings,
merriments and masteries
when not completed promptly,
they pock the path with potholes
What is the heart's yearning
that friendship leaves unfilled?
What is the desire
that flounders as if lost?
Posted by Trevor Savage at May 2, 2005 10:39 PM