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May 30, 2005
life, poetry
the path to perfection having been attained
one finds that reality had never therein lain
responsibility thwarts that which you wish not to depart
time in it's finite nature limits the pursuits of the heart
with the bulk of necessity blocking the ingress to ecstasy
the mind despairs and gropes for the entranceway
Posted by Trevor Savage at 8:28 PM | Comments (0)
May 28, 2005
Time's A'marchin
life, log
Yesterday there was an interesting gathering which I attended. It was, in an occurrence beyond belief, held within the premises of the tiny little out of the way place which I tend to call home, and that quite delighted me. There were lots of flying objects there too, at least until the sun went down, and they reawoke in me my CTY-born love of frisbees. I now have an intense desire to chuck some disc in a nice grassy field, and I'm going to have to find a way to do so this summer, although it might be a bit difficult to find others who would be as excited to throw discs as I am. I also got a chance to dance a bit, which made me happy, especially since I got to show my dancing off to people not accustom to it.
Now, however, I'm in a weird mood. I'm not exactly longing for anything, and nor am I really lonely, but, nonetheless, the only thing that sounds like it'd be really fun right now is being with friends. This is probably just due to the impending exams tarnishing my recent (friend-centric) view however. One exam starts on Tuesday, with the rest kicking in on Thursday, and I have quite a bit of studying to do for them. So far I've done 1/2 of the stuff I have to do for Latin though, and that only took 2 hour or so, so it shouldn't be too hard to finish everything, especially with the super-delicious 3 day weekend. The only really big thing I have to do now is my French composition, but once I actually start writing that it should be a breeze.
In other news, I've been extremely hooked on Angband recently. It's an extremely fun game, and I'm doing better than I ever have before in it. There's not much that's better than chopping up orcs and their kin while hunting for the next best weapon. I'm also enjoying T.O.M.E., a variant of Angband, and THEME, a module for T.O.M.E. which adds some new classes and such. Currently I'm playing a half-troll warrior in vanilla Angband. He's level 18, and I just found the Phial (YAY!) on level 9 of the dungeon.
Well, I'm off now to watch me some Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Last weekend I watched the movie, and this weekend I get to watch the DVD of the TV series, YAY! Y'all enjoy yourselves.
Posted by Trevor Savage at 11:25 PM | Comments (0)
May 16, 2005
Brims, Sore Throats, and Rain
life, log
Soo, our last regatta was this weekend. I got to the beach house rather late, so the only fun I caught was the tail end of a family guy episode, but 'twas alright. We were the first race or so in the morning, and while the rowing wasn't precisely heaven, it felt better than it did at the last regatta. This weekend I finally noticed that all the races that felt really good, where I didn't really get killed by exhaustion but where I also felt that I'd rowed my best, were races in which I'd rowed in an eight. Racing in a four seems to be much more tiring and seems to require much more effort; hopefully next year I'll get to row in more eights than fours, although that seems unlikely unless we manage to snare some more guy-rowers.
In addition to rowing, I coxed a shell, and had a brimful of fun in the process. After a bit of difficulty getting lined up at the start, the race went quite well – I think it's the first race I really coxed, as when I'd coxed previously I hadn't done much encouraging of my crew. Saturday, though, I discovered the delights of yelling and trying to drive the shell forward with your voice. All three shells in the race were neck and neck for almost the entire time, and near the end we started to pull ahead. Unfortunately we faltered a bit, one of the other shells got a lead, and we pulled into a close 3rd. I was still rather proud of my shell though, and boy do I want to coxswain some more! If just for that, I'll definitely be doing crew next year.
While we were across the bay we headed over to Stark & Legum. I found a really awesome black Stetson rain hat (the gable) which I promptly fell in love with. It should look quite nice and perhaps Europeanish with my black pants and shoes and whatnot, and it makes me happy to have something of a collection of hats now.
Mayfair at school on Sunday wasn't too bad either – all I had to do was help set up some things in the beginning, help man the crew table, and then help tear things down when a rainstorm flashed down on us. They had some pretty yummy snow cones and fries for sale as well.
Now that crew's out, all I have to do in the afternoons is some kinda fun data entry for community service – it's nice to be able to do something kinda within my realm of specialty, even if it's a bit monotonous.
I need to work some more to fire up the furnaces of friendship though – with a number of people away to Fox Island (some nice pictures, but from a different school) for a few days, social opportunities don't jump on me anymore and I think my Sims-style social meter is sagging. Tomorrow however I'm bringing in my banjo ukulele, so we should be able to rustle up quite a bit of fun during lunch and activity.
Anyway, thanks for tolerating the flushing of my mind's accumulated worries and thoughts, if that's indeed what you've done. Future entries will be less splattered, but I needed a wide entry to allow my mind to focus, if that makes any sense. I'm off now to rustle up whatever fun I can find here, as I do seems to be stagnating a bit.
Posted by Trevor Savage at 9:33 PM | Comments (1)
May 10, 2005
Poetic Lifeblog II
life, poetry
Ah, poetry does rocketh. It really takes the edge off of your emotions, in addition to being pleasant to write and read. I'm a bit pressed for time tonight since I have to get up early tommorrow to register for Italia, so these poems which I wrote today will have to serve as my voice. I'm quite pleased with "Math" though, so I hope y'all will enjoy it.
Laziness calls
and Imagination beckons.
Visions of movies and books and dreams.
Before these math wavers and falls;
all which is not strong and sturdy
falls to it's knees and begs for relief.
Oh, great luring god,
I fan thy flame
bow to thy name
and hail the path you leave unprofaned.
Oh, deity of logic,
ruler of all that is right,
why must you put up a fight
when this disciple begs to learn in your light.
The light shrinks away,
withers and fades,
leaving but little knowledge laid.
The path is so weak it seems not by you made.
Oh, master of truth,
your works span to the gods' home;
thy strongest towers of metal and stone,
awe-inspiring, they strike one to the bone.
Thus, glorious judge most just,
I entreat thee, grant this plaintiff's plea
for knowledge and understanding of yea;
allow me to climb thy great tree!
Posted by Trevor Savage at 9:14 PM | Comments (0)
May 6, 2005
Experiences from the Abyss
life, log
sickness brings laziness
longings for warm tea and good music
and a desire to lie back in a comfy chair
as I recede into my mind
I must be moored to the present
stimuli halt my fall into the abyss
Posted by Trevor Savage at 6:39 PM | Comments (0)
May 4, 2005
Postprom Experiences
life, log
I've started to write 3 different blog entries on different topics, 2 of which I haven't finished, so I'll just pile them all into this entry.
I think I'm starting to get a bit sick; marathon weekends tend to do that to me. The weekend of Macbeth, when we had a regatta stuck into the schedule much as one was this weekend, I had about the same symptoms. This Sunday, at afterprom, my throat got sore, and it didn't improve over Monday and Tuesday. Today, my nose starts running and feeling a bit put upon by unidentified invaders. This afternoon, I start feeling a bit sick and a bit chilled, and spend 2 hours doing much of nothing; nominally, I was surfing, but I only got around to a few sites. I just hope I hang in through Saturday; Friday is the day of the A.P. U.S. History exam, and Saturday we have the SAT.
Anyway, the Prom was quite the delight, I suppose. I was high on dancing and a lack of sleep and tophats and tails the entire time, so I had quite a bit of fun. A bit of socially challenged wonkiness was there in various forms, but oh well. Afterprom was like a really weird version of hell; one where they make you play games and give you prizes, but also one where you're so sleepy you start hallucinating. The dancing made the whole night worth it though, even if I felt like I was going to throw up at one point due to having consuming more water than the average camel. It was amazing how much I sweated; despite my copious consumption, I barely had to go to the bathroom at all. Boy did I love me some tophat though!
I am a bit worried about my ears however; since I've started going to dances and the like, I think I've noticed some decline in their ability to sense, and now it seems that a dull pain inhabits them. I definitely want to find a pair of earplugs to keep on me. I'm not sure how damaging intermittent dances can be (although if they can be very much so, I'll definitely start wearing earplugs) but if I ever have the opportunity to dance more often, earplugs will become a necessity if I want to dance for much longer.
My only real gripe at the moment though is that socialization is ADDICTIVE! They should put a bloody surgeon general's warning on the package. And, at the moment, I'm a bit devoid of this miracle fruit. Online conversations don't really suffice any more; they usually don't have as many people contributing, and the lack of outside stimuli shared by the conversation's participants can make coming up with topics difficult.
In addition, school doesn't seem that great of a social local either. There isn't much free time in the schedule for one; lunch only grants 25 minuets, during which you also have to stuff your face to glean necessary nutrition. In addition, I don't have a much better time talking at school than I do online; for some reason, I can't really come up with too much to talk about. This probably isn't so much a problem with school, entirely, as with my mind, so I'll have to work on it myself.
The best chances for social interaction, though, are definitely off-campus activities; regattas, the ride to crew practice, and other gatherings can become facsimiles of mirthful nirvana. For the moment, though, most of the crewbs with whom I like to twist words are going to morning practices, while I go to practice in the afternoon. Thus, I'm feeling a bit low in my quota of laughter and happiness.
Anyway, I'm off for French and Math SAT (fun! no, really!) homework, as well as some AP studying. I'll have to make sure to fit in a nice cup of English tea too... Be happy y'all, and socialize yourself up some mutual fun!
Posted by Trevor Savage at 9:05 PM | Comments (0)
May 2, 2005
The Power of Poetry: Poetic Lifeblog I
life, poetry
I was feeling a bit burdened by various school based responsibilities today, but after writing out these few verses I felt rather normal again, my emotions having been let out. Poetry rocks, and I think I'll start featuring it on this blog more often. The —— separates the two poems. On a side note, shampoo foam is quite possibly the coolest thing on earth.
too much goodness
sucking up the time
too much to do
and not a spot of time
mandatory meetings,
merriments and masteries
when not completed promptly,
they pock the path with potholes
What is the heart's yearning
that friendship leaves unfilled?
What is the desire
that flounders as if lost?
Posted by Trevor Savage at 10:39 PM | Comments (0)